
And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. (‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭41‬ NKJV)

Compel them to come in!
Compel them to come in!
Compel, not repel.
Compel the lost, broken, lame, afflicted
Why should I be conflicted?
The lame,
Are before me.
Why should I feel shame?

Compel and tell
Bring the GOOD NEWS!
So they can trade
Ashes for beauty,
Mourning for joy,
Weakness for praise, and
Give glory to the One
Who plants us as mighty trees.

The first tree,
We misused.
The second tree,
We accused.
We are the last tree.
He wants us to be used.
Instead, we have abused
The power he gave us,
The power to bring GOOD NEWS!

But, we don’t choose
To obey.
Instead, we walk away
From the call to
Shout to the lost,
“Come in to the banquet!
The feast awaits.
Are you hungry?
There is a place for you at
The table.
He is able
To bind up your wounds,
Heal your crippled hearts and
Twisted bodies.”

“He doesn’t care
If you are ready.
He is waiting
For you to come in!
Don’t you know,
You can come in
To the feast,
Just as you are.
You don’t need to fix
Your matted hair.
There is a chair
With your name on it!
No need to prepare
Your heart, or
Get perfect.
He already knows
All of the darkest secrets.
And yet,

He is calling us to
Compel the lost!
They can’t see,
We have the Light,
We must shine
Through the darkest night.
Not so we can be proud of
How bright we shine, but so
The blind
Can see through us,
Through our failures and inadequacies,
They can see
His compassion,
His eyes.

Instead, we compromise.
“Look at me!
I am sinless and beautiful!”
But, we are not.
We are wretched,
Steeped in sin.
It is only
Through him
We are even able.
Have we forgotten
How we crawled to the table?
Too weak and ashamed to
Strut into the feast.

What right have
We to think
We deserve to eat.
We have no rights,
Only grace to share in the
Riches of His glory,
Because, that is the
We all like sheep
Have gone astray.
We all have sinned,
We deserve death. But,
Because of His
We sit at the table of the King.
He’s asking us to
Leave our seat, to
Get up from the table, so
We can help compel the
Rest of the family to
Join us.

We don’t want to wait!
It’s their fault
They are late!
What is their problem?
Why can’t they get it right?
Didn’t they read the invitation?
It said the time and place.
They just didn’t make space
In their sinful, busy life,
Committing atrocities.
I’m going to pout at the table.
It’s time to eat!
Why aren’t they here?

He gently whispers in my ear,
“Oh, child,
They don’t know.
Why do you judge them so,
And hold them accountable for
Information not shared?
The feast
I have prepared,
But you must share
The goodness
I have provided.
You too were once chided,
Cast aside, by the religious right.
It only made you want to fight.

No need for that.
Just, share your story.
It will reveal My glory.
If you are honest,
They will see
Themselves in you.
They will see
My heart through you.
They will see
My eyes of love for them.
It is kindness, which
Turns them away from sin.

They don’t have to be told
They are unworthy.
This, they know,
They have not been told,
I want to rescue them
Just the way
They are.
They need only to come in
To my presence,
My house.

Compel them to the table!
Leave your comfy place!
Run into the streets!
They are waiting.
They are hungry.
They are longing to eat,
But, only,
I Am
The bread and the wine.
They have not truly dined,
Until they have supped with me.
Tell them of the tree.
Don’t forget the cost.
It was all for the lost.

Include yourself in that
Group of sinners.
I died for
All of you. But,
Rose again, the
Victorious winner.
Take my crown!
Reign with me!
Bring with you
All you see!
They all need me,
Whether they know it,
Or not.”

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