Stuck Physically unable To lift my eyes Up. However, Also unable to look Down. So, where am I gazing? The road straight ahead. And straight ahead I see No end in sight Multiple roadblocks Congestion Confusion. Stuck Meeting stop After stop After stop I keep moving, though I don't see The end. I wish I... Continue Reading →

Mission Statement

Ask me about My mission, My purpose, in life... That’s a loaded question! I mean, Of course, It’s to serve God Love others. I remember, At my Dad’s memorial service, One of his former students Noticed two things My dad did. He prayed And he Obeyed. That was so powerful for me, Because my Dad... Continue Reading →

Ode to the Single Parent

Does it matter why you are in this place? Is it because of a divorce or separation? Is it a traveling spouse? A temporary military deployment, Perhaps your spouse is ill or hospitalized? Maybe you are the surviving parent after a tragic event? But you are here now. And I see you.   I see... Continue Reading →


No need to prepare  Your heart, or Get perfect.  He already knows  All of the darkest secrets. He KNOWS, And yet, He LOVES."

Ode to My Father

Life comes when it's ready. We expect it. We know it's the season. But no one can actually predict the exact birth moment. Death is the same way,

My Father’s Eulogy

You know that movie where there's a classroom of misfits and outcasts, rejected by their own families, who have a bad reputation, bad grades and a bad attitude? Then a teacher comes along who inspires them to study, encourages them to work hard and pushes them to achieve their goals and find their best self? That teacher was Mr. Marocco. He played that part dozens and dozens of times.

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